Winning Wednesday

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
September was a good month for me however I think I could have still done better. I did not enter as many competitions as usual. Life took over and I spent a few hours a week entering competitions instead of spending a hour a night. Although I did not spend as much time on entering competitions, I was still lucky to win some great bits and pieces which will come in use to our family and home. 

Huggies Potty Training Pack With Maxwell starting to potty train, this prize will come in handy. I was thrilled to win this prize and I am looking forward to using the items I won with Maxwell. I am hoping it will save us a bit of money as potty training pants can get quite expensive. I am looking forward to its arrival. 
Mega Loom  Band Box A few weeks ago I wrote about how Maxwell and I had been loom banding for charity. I have been very busy over recent weeks so have had to take a break from loom banding but I can not wait to start again and create a large loom which we can send to the loom to the moon charity. 
Sweet Dreams Squidge I was desperate to win Maxwell one of these to go in his Xmas box. Maxwell is a huge fan of CBebbies so I know when Maxwell opens this at Xmas he will have a huge smile on his face.
Fifa 15 I was thrilled to win this for Ben. Ben is addicted to playing Fifa so it was great to win him the new copy. I love winning prizes for family members as it allows me to treat them. 
A Furby I remember having a Furby when I was a child so I was excited to win this cute little fella. Maxwell and I both love playing with him, we love his little personality however he can get annoying occasionally. 
£25 Marks And Spencer's Vouchers I love winning vouchers and I am looking forward to using these. I will more than likely use them to buy people presents for Christmas as I love buying family members great big boxes of chocolates and biscuits from Marks on special occasions.
Bigjigs Baking Set Maxwell won this in a photo competition in which he dressed up as a chef, so really this is Maxwell's win. We are looking forward to cooking up a storm in the kitchen and getting around to use this set. There are 26 pieces in the set so there will be plenty of bits and bobs for Maxwell to use.