Skarsgård is featured next month in Elle UK and writer Tim Teeman sat down with the Nordic god-of-a-man for the interview. In it, readers can relish in the actor’s mini-bio details, e.g. he started acting at age 7 but didn’t appreciate the overzealous attention he received after The Dog That Smiled. From there he joined the Swedish Royal Navy for a year and a half, toyed briefly with the idea of becoming an architect at Leeds Metropolitan University (but spent most of his time drinking instead of studying) before deciding to return to acting. His big break came from Zoolander, but his major fame has stemmed from his role as Eric Northman on HBO‘s True Blood.
He’s not only gracing the small screen (i.e. Generation Kill, 2008 mini-series) with his talents, though. His film career is w(h)etting our –let’s say– appetites, as well. Most recently released, in Straw Dogs, Skarsgård plays a tenacious, rural ex-boyfriend. His object of obsession and tight-grip is on urban Kate Bosworth‘s (who Skarsgård dated through July ’11) character who is involved with the character played by James Marsden. The film is a remake of a 1971 movie of the same name and includes a powerful and violent rape scene between Skarsgård and Bosworth’s character that was “tough for us all.” Before that but also released this year, he played in Melancholia with Kiefer Sutherland, Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg. He just wrapped up filming an adaptation of Henry James’ What Maisie Knew this summer.
About his personal love life, the 35 year-old Swede is not stressing. He likes being in relationships and he likes being single. He says that it’s possible to be happy or miserable in either situation, but obviously he’d rather be happy. He loves cooking, traveling, and because he comes from a family with six younger siblings, eventually wants kids. He says that a lot of girls want him to bite them (no surprise there… I’d let him take a chomp of anything of mine) but, “I can’t [bite them] because I’ll end up doing it for the next thirty years. There will be no biting,” he says. (Darnitall!) However, the message he does want to send to all Elle readers: “Tell them I will marry them all.” So that’s it, I’m moving to California where it’s legal.
So Truebies: if you can get your hands on Elle UK, do it! You can check out the linked interview here, or click on the pictures below for the full story and let us know what you think in our comments section!
Sources: Elle UK and