Winners of the Skillshare Challenge

By Thehousethatlarsbuilt @houselarsbuilt
For those of you just joining me here on Lars, I teach a paper flower class on Skillshare where you can learn the basics of paper flower making and specifically how to make a dahlia, rose, dogwood, and greenery (check out this video to learn more). Along the way, students have been submitting their work so I thought I'd put up a challenge and the winner would be featured on my blog. I was searching for fine execution, paper that went with the grain, and a beautiful color palette. Though I could have put all of them up here, I decided on just a few. Emily Brunet was the winner of the challenge (and has been a loyal Lars supporter!). I loved her bouquet above with the roses and dogwoods in such lovely colors. I'm also featuring the yellow dahlia of Tiffany Kim and the peach rose of Sue Beech. They are all lovely ladies!
For some reason I get a number of students from Down Under, which I'm totally thrilled about. Thanks for your support! I have to give shout outs to my loyals like Rachel Smith of Love from Ginger (who is flying all the way from Australia for Alt Summit next week!) and another shout out to Melanie Haynes from Copenhagen who makes her flowers with her kids. Your support means the world!
If you'd like to take the class, I'm offering 15% off to start the new year right. Sign up here. The code only lasts until the end of January so do it soon. Enter the code NEWYEAR.