Wingz Fashion Sleeves Review*

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
The lovely people at Wingz recently contacted me to ask if I would like to review a set of their fashion sleeves. I had heard of them and had even considered buying some so I was rather excited to be able to try some out.
For those of you not familiar with the concept they are sleeves designed to be worn under tops and dresses and come in a variety of styles and sizes.
I chose to try these ones the black full length fitted sleeve as I thought they would be most suited to my outfits.

Image courtesy of Wingz

As you can see they fit around your bra so are lightweight and easy to wear. I chose to try mine with my Kelly Brook dress.

For me these work really well as they look like a part of the dress, in fact my husband didn't realize they were separate!!
Personally I don't mind baring my arms but from a practical point of view they are great for whilst the weather is still on the chilly side and mean I don't need a cardigan. I am wearing the size 2 which is for 18-22 and I think I should have gone with the next size up as I forgot to account for my bust!! I think the next size up (24-26) would have fitted better across my bust but even so they are still really comfortable to wear.
I did find them a bit fiddly at first to put on mainly because I put them on upside down but once I got used to them I was fine!! 
I am very tempted to try some of the other styles especially the lace sleeves as these would be great for a night out.
Have you tried Wingz yet?

*Denotes an item gifted for review- all opinions are my own