Welcome to Winephabet Street Season 1 Episode 11. Winephabet Street is a monthly series where Lori Budd of Draceana Wines and myself work our way through the alphabet exploring wine and wine regions on letter at a time. The show is live on the third Monday at 8pm and is free, but you must register to attend. Put in on your calendar, pour yourself a glass of wine and hang out with us.
Learn all about the classification and the two wines me and Lori opened during the program. I opened a Nik Weis Weingut St. Urbans-Hof Kabinett Riesling that had hints of petrol apricot and grapefruit on the finish. As it warms up peach flavor surface. Lori’s was much different than mine.Sit back with a glass of wine and join us as we explore Kabinett. Watch the webinar or listen to the podcast.
Don’t miss the next episode of Winephabet Street Monday, May 21 at 8pm where we travel to Italy and learn about Lambrusco. Register hereYou can find all past episodes on Winephabetstreet.com and don’t forget to visit our sponsor WINC.com the wine club where wine experts select wines matched to your taste, personalized for you and shipped right to your door.