Windsor Beach SP Birding

By Timschreckengost @timshrek

Female Anna’s Hummingbird on nest at Windsor Beach SP on 5/5/2012

As I was waiting to get the oil changed in a work vehicle, I walked the short distance to the Cactus Garden at Windsor Beach SP. I specifically went to search for migrant hummingbirds because Lauren Harter had two Calliope Hummingbirds near Yuma, Arizona this morning. I couldn’t track down any migrants but I had quite a few Anna’s Hummingbirds and one Black-chinned Hummingbird.

Migrants are slowly trickling through the Lake Havasu Area. I had 15 Wilson’s Warblers, one MacGillivray’s Warbler, and a lone Western Wood-Pewee at the garden this afternoon. Below is a complete checklist of birds observed.

Lake Havasu SP–Windsor Beach, Mohave, US-AZ
May 5, 2012 12:05 AM – 12:50 AM
Protocol: Traveling
0.5 kilometer(s)
Comments:     Checking the Cactus Garden for migrants.
22 species

Gambel’s Quail  4
American Coot  12
Eurasian Collared-Dove  1
White-winged Dove  4
Mourning Dove  10
Lesser Nighthawk  1
Black-chinned Hummingbird  1
Anna’s Hummingbird  6
Western Wood-Pewee  1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow  4
Tree Swallow  1
Cliff Swallow  20
Verdin  6
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher  6
MacGillivray’s Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  2
Wilson’s Warbler  15
Abert’s Towhee  4
Red-winged Blackbird  2
Great-tailed Grackle  15
Bullock’s Oriole  1
House Finch  4

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For information on migration for the upcoming week, check out this week’s BirdCast Forecast.