Window Shopping In Paris

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

Paris shop windows are always such a delight! So much thought and creativity goes into these window displays.

Above, a children’s clothing store.

This will be a short post, as I allowed myself some extra sleep this morning, and am off to meet up with Greetje (No Fear Of Fashion) who will be arriving shortly. I’m sure we’ll get up to some shenanigans, including many coffee breaks!

Yesterday I enjoyed a lovely lunch with Tish. We caught up with all of our personal and family news, and of course the conversation turned to style. We had an interesting discussion on the concept of “classic” style, and our different interpretations of it. I’m going to ruminate on this a bit, and work on a future post.

Spent the rest of the afternoon trying to keep moving to help myself adjust to the time zone. Mostly stuck to window shopping (lèche-vitrine) but hope to do a bit of the real thing. I’m keeping an eye out for a cardigan coat with some interesting color/texture. And scarves, bien sûr. I’ll be sure to capture more of these fabulous shop windows to share too.

I’ll leave you with this, a little moment of Paris bliss. (Turn on the sound for full effect.)

6 bells and all’s well. Tap to hear the bells. #paris #enterrasse #wineoclock #paristravel #travelblogger #unefemmeduncertainage #joiedevivre

A post shared by une femme d’un certain âge (@susan_unefemme) on Oct 19, 2017 at 9:36am PDT