Winding Bilgrimage Down as 2021 Begins

Posted on the 01 January 2021 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy

As readers may have divined, I've been slowly winding Bilgrimage down, and with the new year, will likely not be posting any longer. I'm making this decision largely because I find my energy waning after I turned 70 this past March. Ages are only points on a graph, but even so, I do find my energy decreasing now that I'm a senior citizen - along with my ability to focus.

I am very grateful for all the interest people have shown over the years in my peregrinatory ramblings here. I'm grateful for the support and the contributions from friends and followers.

I do continue making comments about matters that interest me - religion, politics, the intersection of the two, history, occasionally food - on Twitter. If any Bilgrimage readers do Twitter and want to connect, please feel free to look me up there. I'm William D. Lindsey, @wdlindsy, on Twitter.

Though I'm very dissatisfied with Facebook, I also maintain a presence there, for two reasons. One is that I moderate a group of Lindsay/Lindseys who all share the same DNA profile. We have a lot of information stored in a Facebook group, and I wouldn't know where to relocate it, even if I did leave Facebook.

My other reason for continuing to put up with Facebook is that I have family members and good friends connected to me there, and I value those connections. I do try to use Facebook as a platform to share material that is, I hope, educational for others - and also to educate myself as I read links provided by others or the commentary of Facebook friends.

I wish all readers a good 2021 - a better year than most of us had in the past year, for sure. I'm happy to hear from you in whatever way you choose to stay in touch, if you do so choose. If any readers have material you'd want me to consider for posting here down the road, I continue to be happy to do that, too.