Win A Seafolly Bikini With Coco Bay!

By Theutterblog @utterlywow

Hands up who has a rather special holiday coming up this year?

Hands up who will be purchasing a bikini (or three) for said special holiday?

And hands up who’d like to win a free bikini of their choice, courtesy of the lovely team at Coco Bay?

Mmm hmm, I thought so.

See, I get the odd company contact me from time to time hoping I’ll promote their product, but I usually politely decline. Largely because, more often than not, the product isn’t right for the blog, but I also must admit to getting a little humpy if the person writing the email has made no effort to a) find out my name or b) read anything I’ve written. So when Jane from Coco Bay sent me a lovely personal email complimenting the blog and referring to a particular post she’d read, I was naturally intrigued to see what she had to offer. And very pleasantly surprised I was too.

All Aboard Beach Bag by Baku

Coco Bay is a mail order beach wear company set up by three sisters with one mission: to provide sophisticated, well cut beachwear that not only looks great on the model but actually flatters ‘real people’. With a wide selection of brands including Seafolly, Baku, Banana Moon and Havaianas to name but a few, the company offers a vast selection of stylish, reasonably priced beachwear, from swimsuits and cover ups, to beach bags and hats.

Seafolly Kailua Beach Cover Up

Now I’m not gonna lie, the website is full of stunning models who will make you feel VERY inadequate, but with handy size guides, styles right up to an F cup, and a free UK returns/exchange policy, you’re practically guaranteed* to find the perfect swimwear for you.

*my guarantee, not theirs

So what’s this giveaway you mentioned then?

Well, the nice people at Coco Bay would like to give one of you ‘orrible lot a bikini of your choice from the Seafolly at Coco Bay collection. Perhaps you are honeymooning this year, or nipping away with the girls. Maybe you have a local lido you like to frequent, or simply have a bikini fetish you can’t control. Whichever option, the competition is open to one and all… except for me. Which is a crying shame, as I’ve gone a bit funny over these bikini beauts:

From L to R: Seafolly Seaview Coral, Seafolly Goddess White. Seafolly Summer Garden Black

A Seafolly bikini of your choice could be winging it’s way to you very soon if you do the following:

1. Head over to the Seafolly at Coco Bay page to view the bikinis available

2. Leave a comment below stating your bikini of choice and where you’ll be wearing it (my nosiness knows no bounds)

3. Follow Coco Bay on Twitter (@cocobayswimwear) and retweet this giveaway.

Simples! I shall pick a winner at random this Friday 31st January at 5pm, so you have until then to enter.

Oh sweet lord, this is exciting.

Good luck!

Sama xxx