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By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
I have been in love with audio books and movies ever since we started doing Road Trips. They are definitely on my must-have-list for all-kinds-of-travel. Hence, it is only obvious that I would be excited about, an Amazon company.  
 Three books I have bookmarked for 2015 are:
  1. Wild  - I would like to read hear it before watching the movie
  2. Yes Please - Who wouldn't wanna hear this?! (:
  3. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World - Being a history buff this tickles my fancy!
Right now you can get 50% off your three month subscription by clicking here, i.e $7.49 per month instead of the $14.95. You want to make use of this deal because Audio books are a great resource all year round: 
  • You can use them during your travels (of course). Those long drives become way more pleasurable in the company of some good audio content. 
  • Your kids can use them year-round for pleasure and/or school related content 
  • Audiobooks that are great to assist you with your New Year Resolutions e.g. the how-to books on healthy living, nutritious cooking, staying active, saving money and becoming the best you!
  • You can give your eyes a rest and let your ears do the heavy lifting for a change.  
  • You can listen to them anywhere and as you like, on your mobile device or tablet. 
 The benefits of subscription are endless. Give it a try and see of yourself. 

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