Wimberley’s 16th Annual Butterfly Festival

By Slowdownandsavor

Hooray! Happy Sunday, everyone. How’s everyone’s weekends going? Ours has been full. Yesterday, following an early tee-ball game, was Wimberley’s 16th annual Butterfly Festival held at EmilyAnn Theatre and Gardens. Yes. A butterfly festival. Basically, there are about 3,000 butterflies released over a 6 hour time frame, where cages of the pretty bugs are released every 30 minutes. Just hold your slice of cantaloupe up, and one will be sure to land, and become your new friend for the next few minutes.

There were also some cute mini horses all dressed up for the occasion.

Basically, it was an all around good time for the family, and later on that evening, we found ourselves up in the hills, with good friends, and a beautiful BBQ spread. That’s the perfect end to a perfect day, if you ask me.