Will Your Luck Change by Wearing A Gemstone?

By Sanjeev Chaudhary @9GemDotCom

People wear jewelry for many reasons, but when you find individuals sporting multiple glittering rings on their fingers, there is a specific reason behind the action. Sure, the reds, greens, and blues help to draw attention and make the fingers look pretty. However, too much of a good thing is not the right way to adorn yourself. The rings are, therefore, meant to fulfill another purpose altogether.

Yes! You may want to wear a particular gemstone to change your luck. Your life can turn out to be better, say the astrologers. Well, there may be a modicum of truth in it too. Why else would so many celebrities and established people swear by the power behind gemstones?

A gemstone is likened to an umbrella capable of shielding you from the natural elements. You are unable to change the weather, but you can always strive to protect your person with the aid of an umbrella or a cap. Similarly, placing the appropriate gemstone set in the perfect metal will help to protect you from the malefic stars. What’s more? You may find your luck altered slowly but surely too.

You may have all the talent in the world yet remain unsuccessful. The trick is to be in the right place at the right time to bring the power of the entire universe together. A gemstone can align the stars together, thus giving you an extra edge over your competitors. You will be compelled to appear at a place at a specific period, thus changing luck to smile favourably on you.

Conversely, you will find many people in this world who toil hard without even a glimmer of hope. It is important to remember that no one has the power to help you unless you gear up and help yourself. Blaming your fortunes and lamenting that you have been born on an inauspicious occasion will not do. Try and seek advice from individuals who are known to be expert guides.

You cannot just place a gemstone into your finger and hope that luck will make your life smooth sailing; from now on. You just cannot take chances with your life. Follow the path you are destined to embark on, but try to do it confidently. Ask for advice from trusted astrologers who are adept at deciphering the principles of Vedic astrology. You will be asked to wear a specific gemstone that will give you direction and control the extremes perfectly.

The selection of the gemstone should be a careful and information-based decision. While your astrologer will read your palm or go through your birth chart to find out how the stars align for you, it is essential to buy Certified gemstone instead of settling for a cheap stone that glitters but does not bring about the change you have been hoping for.

You may want to strengthen Jupiter and Venus or Mercury in your birth chart by improving their effect on you. Again, you would be equally eager to banish the malevolent Saturn, along with the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu from your life.

Be sure to check out the list below when you are interested in improving your fate:-

  • Sun becomes powerful when you wear ruby
  • Wear pearl for the moon
  • The benevolent effect of Mars will be doubled when you wear coral
  • Your business acumen will increase when you wear emerald
  • Jupiter becomes exalted with yellow sapphire
  • Diminish the devastating effects of Saturn with the help of Blue Sapphire

Sure, you would have to spend a bit of money to buy precious gemstones. Your astrologer will guide you about the right carat weight and color for it to be meaningful. You will be advised about the base metal that works best with the concerned gemstone. Remember that yellow gold is deemed the best metal for holding the gem. However, you may use Sterling silver to fashion a pearl or emerald ring. Rose gold, white gold, and platinum are metals that are hugely popular in western cultures. You will not be asked to settle for such metals when you want to follow Vedic astrology.

Some astrologers will recommend using semi-precious stones like turquoise, green onyx, moissanite, opal, yellow-citrine, tourmaline, tanzanite, and topaz. However, these are not as powerful as precious gems such as diamonds, emeralds, and rubies.

Wearing gemstones is not a mere whim or making your fingers look prettier. Each gemstone needs to be selected carefully. It will make a difference. It is important to remember that your karma (actions) define you. You want to align the gems representing planets perfectly to straighten the path of your life. Your fortunes may change dramatically by wearing Vedic astrology-recommended gemstones.

Cheek with a reputed company dealing with gemstones and resolve your doubts by asking astrologers for guidance.