We are in the middle of a government shutdown that was caused by Donald Trump throwing a fit because Congress wouldn't fund the wall he wants to build between the United States and Mexico. The crazy part of this shutdown is that most Americans don't want the wall to be built -- and most don't think Congress is going to give Trump the money to build it.
About 64% of Americans say Trump is not going to get the money for the wall, while only 24% think it likely he could get that money from Congress. And that is the opinion of ALL demographic groups -- even Republican (who say Trump won't get the money by a 19 point margin). With Independents it's a 30 point margin, and with Democrats it's a 64 point margin.
When the Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress, Trump couldn't get the money for his wall. It's certainly not going to happen now that Democrats have a 36 vote margin in the House of Representatives.
The chart above reflects the results of a recent Morning Consult Poll -- done between December 21st and 23rd of a national sample of 1,992 registered voters, with a 2 point margin of error.