Will the Biblical Antichrist Be a Muslim?

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Author Joel Richardson and his book, MIDEAST BEAST

Has the enemy been unmasked?

Author Joel Richardson argues pursuasively that the Antichrist, his empire, and his religion will come from the Middle East and not Europe as has been widely taught by many modern prophecy teachers.

The subject of the end times has become a total hairball of confusing and conflicting theories. Joel Richardson lays out a compelling case for the possibility we’ve been looking in the wrong direction for years. The evangelical world has been European centric in it’s interpretation, sometimes accusing the Catholic Church, sometimes accusing Russia of being the in league with the antichrist. But the prophetic scriptures have been specific in the naming of the geographic home of the antichrist’s origin, and that is today’s Turkey.

Food for thought.