The age group the Republicans have been able to depend on the most in the past few elections are the older Americans -- those over 65, those between 55 and 64, the Boomers (54-72). If the Republicans are to have any hope to retain Congress, they must have older Americans support them.
But this election could be different. Older Americans are worried about the rising drug prices, and they have heard the Republicans in Congress talking about "reforming" Social Security and Medicare (which is code for cutting benefits). And they don't like it!
As the charts above show, they trust the Democrats more to do something about drug prices, and to protect Social Security and Medicare. And that has many looking to vote for Democrats in the coming election. That would be disastrous for Republicans, since they have already lost young voters, women, and minorities.
The charts above reflect the results of a recent Morning Consult Poll -- done between October 11th and 14th of a national sample of 1,959 registered voters, with a 2 point margin of error.