Will Ferrell to Play President Ronald Reagan in ‘Reagan’ Film

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

I work at a retirement/assisted living center. Many residents there have had to leave their homes and move into the facility because they are afflicted with Alzheimer’s and/or dementia. It is frustrating to deal with them and I can only imagine how difficult it is for their family members. I guess it helps to have a sense of humor when dealing with people who suffer from these diseases.

That being said, Ferrell is certainly entitled to make whatever movie he wants. Somehow I envision that his “comedy” will be rather mean-spirited. I won’t be going to it. I hope it BOMBS.

From the Hollywood Reporter: Will Ferrell is feeling presidential. The comedic actor, who has already portrayed President George W. Bush in skits and onstage, has set his sights on another Republican, President Ronald Reagan.

Ferrell is attached to star in and produce Reagan, a Black List script by Mike Rosolio, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. Ferrell will produce via his production banner Gary Sanchez Productions.

Our 40th President of the US

No director is on board but the project is being packaged in order to be shopped.

The logline, via the Black List, describes the story thusly: “When Ronald Reagan falls into dementia at the start of his second term, an ambitious intern is tasked with convincing the Commander-In-Chief that he is an actor playing the President in a movie.”

The Black List did a live reading of the script in March and even saw James Brolin act as Reagan while John Cho played the intern. Lena Dunham and Nathan Fillion were also on the playbill.

Patti Davis is not too happy about this. “Perhaps you have managed to retain some ignorance about Alzheimer’s and other versions of dementia. Perhaps if you knew more, you would not find the subject humorous,” Davis wrote on her books blog in an open letter to Ferrell.