Wilderness Festival

By Jess_kemp @JessicaJKemp
Hello all!
I hope you've had a lovely weekend! As some of you may know I went to Wilderness festival this weekend. I was originally going to the Vintage Festival but unfortunately it got cancelled :( Wahhh. So basically it combined with Wilderness festival in Oxford. The location was BEAUTIFUL with lakes, fields and lots and lots of trees, it couldn't have been prettier! I was working on a vintage stall called Jarvis and Janis so I got tickets for free. We only ended up working a couple of hours in the whole weekend which mainly consisted of taking photos of cool festival street styles, so it was fun anyway! Plus we got to go all backstage and VIP because we had 'working' wristbands ;)
I had never heard of the festival until this year, but it was definitely worth a visit. It had a hippy-esque feel about it and you could tell a lot of thought had gone into it. There was so much to do there from creating your own hula hoop to watching 'Shitfaced Shakespeare' which was absolutely hilarious. It was basically a theater company that perform Shakespeare but each play one actor gets completely drunk and so they forget their lines, swear, sway, and fall all over the place whilst the others are trying to be deadly serious around them! It was such a cool little twist and jazzed up the traditional Shakespeare performances and made it really easy to watch. 
So unfortunately I didn't take my camera to the festival because I can't be trusted with my camera AND getting absolutely drunk so I chose the latter! But here's a couple of photos others took of me which I managed to find:
This is from Elle Magazine's street style section on their website. If you want to read more you can so here. 

Camo jacket - Car boot sale / Shorts - DIY'd Levis via car boot sale / Underground Creepers / Socks and bag - Primark / Top and necklace - Topshop This lovely lady created this portrait of me and this lovely man took it! (Hope he doesn't mind me stealing his photo haha)

180 people went skinny dipping which was all very fun haha! 

Sorry about the lack of photos!
There was lots of music at the festival but my favorite of them all was Stornoway. My friend Lexie introduced me to them last year and ever since I have loved their music, so when I saw they were performing at Wilderness fest I definitely jumped at the chance. They didn't disappoint! 
For those who have never heard of them, give them a little listen:

What did you get upto this weekend? Did any of you go to Wilderness? I will definitely be returning next year!
Stay Cute,Jessiexoxo