Wilder Style: Window Shopping the NET-A-PORTER 50% Off Sale

By Thewilderthings @TheWilderThings

The great thing about having a blog is that I get to write about whatever I want whenever I want to. That freedom means that if I'm lusting after oh, say, $10,000 worth of beautiful clothes from the NET-A-PORTER 50% off sale, I can just post about them instead of spending far more money than I could possibly afford. It's surprising how the act of posting about a dress or a shirt can make me want it less; by saying "I WANT THIS!!!" on TWT, I curb the craving in real life. 
The result is this: you get to see all of the beautiful things I want so that I don't virtually shake my bank account out all over the internet. Beginning with the Jason Wu dress above. Isn't it stunning? The cut, the black detailing on the gorgeous floral print, and the coral piping work so well together (more after the jump).

Shocking that I want something by Isabel Marant isn't it? These are like cool versions of MC Hammer pants. I take that back; they're an updated version. Hammer pants will always be cool. If you're trying to look like a 90s music video. And that is a move that I would fully support.

Ah yes, an awesome, straight-forward, striped hoodie from Aubin and Wills. I actually might buy this because at $62.50 it seems like kind of a steal. Thoughts?

We Are Handsome can do no wrong, is what this suit says to me.

Now I'm getting a little fancy, I realize, but I'd feel very much like Joan from Mad Men wearing this belted Gucci number, and I think I would like that feeling #sexytimesabajillion

Gucci kind of killed this sale. This sweater reminded me of the yellow sweater post I did earlier this spring...ah, the memories.
I mean, YES PLEASE, Jill Sander. This is one good looking anorak (love that word). 

I love Philip Lim and this sweater is a great example of why. Clean but interesting lines, great cut, lovely weave. Baboom.

Be still my heart, because this Joseph sweater is one of the most elegant things I've ever seen. A sheer material with mohair stripes? Talk about texture.

And to top it all off (or bottom it off, since it's the end of the post), I present to you the above tee from Sandro. That's one store I didn't go into in Paris, and I wish I had...isn't that leopard (this is a leopard, right?) adorable? He's a little bit aloof, as a cool cat should be. I just kind of melt for this. Maybe I'll buy this too. So perhaps it turns out that while this method of curbing my cravings helps, perhaps it's not %100 effective.
Oh well.