Wild & Weird: Bigfoot Denied Endangered Species Status

Posted on the 10 December 2012 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by the Center for Biological Diversity

At the Center for Biological Diversity we shed both sweat and tears fighting for some of the country’s rarest species. It’s hard work getting federal protection for gray wolves and bald eagles — so just imagine trying to lock in safeguards for the eastern pink-tailed unicorn or the Florida ring-necked chupacabra!

Recently the founder of the Chautauqua Lake Bigfoot Expo, located in western New York, requested that the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation protect Gigantopithecus Americanus, aka Bigfoot, from hunting. The man’s concern may be linked to Spike TV’s recent $10 million bounty offer for sasquatches, which came during the height of New York’s big-game season. In a quite courteous official letter of reply, the department’s chief wildlife biologist noted that, while his agency works “hard to restore and protect rare species,” the request to protect Bigfoot would have to be denied, since “no program or action in relation to mythical animals is warranted.” Take Our Poll