Wild & Weird: Adapt to Air Pollution By… Growing Your Nose Hair Out?

Posted on the 24 December 2012 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by the Center for Biological DiversityHeadshot_posters_final

Worried about all that air pollution in your city? No wonder; worldwide, such pollution prematurely kills about 1.3 million people every year, according to the World Health Organization. But for the nasally hirsute among us, there seems to be an advantage, say new studies: People blessed with fuller, longer manes of nose hair are three times less likely to develop pollution-related asthma.

Clean Air Asia has developed an interactive hairy nose metric map that demonstrates, depending on the air quality of your city (if you live in Asia), the length and style of nose hair you’ll need to survive. Live in Beijing? Well, let’s just say you may want to watch the musical Hair for inspiration: “Give me a [nose] with hair, long, beautiful hair…”

For those of you opposed to Rogaine in the nostrils, we suggest you take steps to help get rid of air pollution instead of adapting to it, er, follicularly.

Check out Clean Air Asia’s interactive pollution map to find out how long you’ll need to grow your nose hair; watch a “documentary” on the life of a nose-hair artist.