Wild Pink – ‘There is a Ledger’ Stream

Posted on the 31 May 2018 by Spectralnights

Photo credit: Hayden Sitomer

Tiny Engines signings Wild Pink have unveiled ‘There is a Ledger’, the second song to be released from the New York City band’s second album ‘Yolk in the Fur’. Released on 20 July and available to pre-order via Bandcamp now, the song hints the LP (which is dedicated to Tom Petty) could be something sublime and will strike a chord with fans of Modest Mouse, The War on Drugs and Stars.

‘There is a Ledger’ opens with a gently swaying bass line as John Ross fondly recalls 93-year-old neighbours and ‘running around the town that I come from’ with a contemplative tone. A melancholy take on loss, John goes on to talk about the way people are insisting he move on (‘They say don’t think about it so much, don’t take it so bad’) before then moving on to more personal – and not necessarily positive – memories and how he wants to remember the good times: ‘Sometimes I see you in my mind’s eye blowing on your coffee. There were times you weren’t as kind as I thought you were. I don’t want to to think like that’.

With charismatic synths and the profound atmosphere of ‘Streets of Philadelphia’ throughout, this song finishes with the words ‘I hope we find peace’ being sung over an almost jaunty drumbeat as John looks to the future. It’s breathtaking.