Wild Orchid Fields Open After a Delay

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Wild orchid fields in Jersey have finally opened after the recent prolonged cold, wet weather delayed the blooming of the orchids.

The orchid fields which are in St Ouen annually open to the public at the start of May.

Johnny Parkes, a senior countryside manager for the National Trust in Jersey, said that normally at this time of year the flowering season for orchid come to an end but this year the flowering has only just begun.

The Channel Islands are the only known part of the United Kingdom where one species of orchid grows naturally in the wild.

The Jersey or loose-flowered orchid is purple, pink or white and is different from other varieties as flowers grow up on spikes which can grow up to 1 meter high.

Mr Parkes said the area was popular with islanders and tourists alike. He also urged people to stick to the paths in the orchid field so that everyone could enjoy the amazing scene.

The National Trust has said the fields are due to remain open until mid-June.
