WigWamBam is Back in Town!

By Boberika @boberika

Winter is well on its way (sad face), but it's not all doom and gloom, because tonight I'll be heading to the launch of WigWamBam at the Queen of Hoxton.

Perched high above bustling Shoreditch on the edge of the city and swathed in fairy lights, the WigWamBam pop-up returns for its second winter. Picture me in possibly the cosiest tipi this side of Nebraska, escaping from the busy city and relaxing in a camping chair by the crackling fire pit, feasting on toasted marshmallows, S’mores (which I love!) and hot chocolate ‘spiked’ with a dark spirit. Jealous? Well you don't have to be, as it's open to the public from Friday until the end of March 2013 (Tuesday - Saturday), so make sure check it out!