Wife Abandons Her Husband and 12 Children to Run off with Young Lover

By Eowyn @DrEowyn
The good mum, doing what's best for her, um the children...

The good mum, doing what’s best for her, um the children…

DailyMail: When a mother of 12 did the unthinkable and abandoned her brood of 12 children to start a new life with her toyboy lover she was branded “despicable” by her ex husband.

Tabitha Nimes, 39, from Rhyl, North Wales, only sees her children once every six weeks since leaving them for a new life, having moved hundreds of miles away to Southampton to live with Colt Nimes, 32, who she has since married.

Her ex husband Peter Saunders, 47, was devastated by the breakdown of the marriage and left to care for the family alone but Tabitha insists that her children, the youngest of which is just 19 months, are better off without her and in a new interview has hit back at her critics.

In this week’s Closer magazine, Tabitha opens up for the first time about her shocking decision.

“I know everybody thinks I’m an awful mom but I walked out because Pete and I were arguing all the time; it wasn’t good for the children and it made them upset. Pete’s a good dad, they’re better off without me.”

“I was suffering from post-natal depression and had to get away. I know the little ones sometimes want their mum, but they seem to be getting on well. I want to see them more, but I don’t want to cause any more family arguments.”

“I wanted to lock myself away, but when I tried to tell Peter I wasn’t coping, he didn’t understand. I felt he was controlling. The relationship gradually broke down, and we started arguing about everything.”

I’m trying to do what’s best for them, while living my own life, too. I’m with Colt now and I love him.”


Tabitha walked out on her children: Rhiannon, 18, Ben, 16, Jack, 14, Josh 13, Adam, 12, Blake 10, Rhys, nine, Lillie, seven, Peter Jnr, six, Aston, three, and Beth, 19 months and her son Matthew, 22, from a previous relationship, when Beth was just 12 weeks old.

“I didn’t want to go through a custody battle. I decided I needed a clean break and felt it was best for them too.

She soon began a relationship with Colt who she had kept in touch with after meeting in 2012 while doing some security work. “We started speaking on the phone,” she says. “He listened to me. We met up in Hastings and, shortly afterwards, shared our first kiss.”

The good mom and her new husband

Tabitha has now married Cole, who works as a security guard, ending her 18 year marriage to Peter, and rarely sees her children. “I miss the kids so much and felt so sad on Christmas Day, but I couldn’t face seeing Peter because I knew it would be difficult. The older kids were angry with me for leaving, too, and I didn’t want an argument. I sent cards and got the youngest two a new playmat, and sent money for the others. For their birthdays I send cards and money. I used to speak to them every day, but now it’s more like once a week.”

“Sometimes I think I’m a bad mum, but I wouldn’t change what I’ve done. I know my older kids are angry with me, but I love them all to pieces, even though I sometimes struggle to show it. I did this for them as well as for myself. I just hope they understand one day.”

Mrs. Nimes’ ex husband, Peter, a convicted drug dealer, discovered his wife had been cheating on him after finding text messages on her phone.

Initially, Mrs. Nimes took the two youngest children – Beth and Aston – with her, but they were returned to their father after she failed to attend a court hearing.