Wieland Din Rail Terminal Blocks – Selos Din Rail Terminal Blocks with Screw Connection

Posted on the 16 January 2023 by Epreston
Wieland Din Rail Terminal Blocks – selos Din Rail Terminal Blocks with Screw Connection

Whether in switch cabinets for machine and plant construction, power engineering or building installation, whether with screw, tension clamp or push-in connection - with Wieland Terminal Blocks, you always make the best choice.

Wieland Din Rail Terminal Blocks – selos Din Rail Terminal Blocks with Screw Connection

selos, our DIN rail terminal blocks with screw connection, are functional, known around the world, and in use millions of times over!

The selos product range combines the advantages of a classic screw connection with those of modern connection technology. The focus here is on value for the customer and increased efficiency in wiring and logistics.

The DIN rail screw terminal blocks boast the following:

Perfect Technology
* Maintenance-free screw connection
* High performance - large connection capacity and high current-carrying capacity
* Space-saving design

Time-Saving Assembly
* Pluggable jumpers - the Wieland jumper
* Screwless, snap-in PE terminals

Cost-Saving for Warehousing and Logistics
* Uniform accessories

Clear Identification
* The Wieland identification system
* Additional endless strip marking system

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