Widowspeak Stun with ‘true Believer’ [stream]

Posted on the 12 July 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

I know we just came out with our top 50 songs of 2013 (so far), but this new track, “True Believer”, by Brooklyn-based duo Widowspeak has already claimed a position near the top of our updated list.  As usual, this track succeeds at showing off the band’s folk, shoegaze roots, but what’s really impressive, though, is how they’re able to carve out the perfect home for a tropical sounding steel guitar in such an unusual place.  The result is a breezy, drugged out combination you’ll no doubt love listening to. The track will be on their EP, The Swamps, coming out on October 29th.  Also, be sure to catch them live at Captured Tracks’ five year anniversary festival next month.