Wicked Good Time

By Dailydoseofmusings @mythoughts4sure
Let there be no doubt... that Halloween is a favorite of mine.
Of course, every holiday has it's high points, but I like that there is no "formula" to Halloween. No real structure is imposed or required to enjoy it. It's one of the few holidays where you can just fly by the seat of your pants. No special/traditional meal to prepare. No need to attend a service of any kind. No need to put up elaborate decorations (but you can if you want... and I do). Just a costume and some candy combined with running around in the dark with your friends. Ta-da!! Holiday!
I had an amazing Halloween night!
Took the wee kiddies out and managed to snag me a bag of candy myself.  I was actually quite amazed how many people who after throwing handfuls of sweets and treats into the kiddies pumpkin pails, would throw some candy my way too! (Glad that I brought that extra pillow case... always thinking ahead).  Then, once the kids legs gave out and I had no more room to carry another, we headed back to the EX's house to check out our stash of goodies.  Whatever candy the EX didn't want the kids to have, she threw my way. (Seriously, I have so much candy that this is scary folks. I almost need a Halloween Candy Exorcist to come to my house.)
After inspecting our loot, I made a quick exit to a Halloween bash of the year!  Fun, laughter, great food, good friends, all the stuff... great time!  And yes, for the record. I dress up too.... I was none other than Michael Myers.  Halloween is for big kids too, you know. And I need to catch a glimpse of my own magic once in a while. If for no other reason, just to remember what it feels like.
Feel free to check out some spooky pics on my Halloween 2012 page! 
I wish Halloween came more than just once a year.  None the less, I hope you all enjoyed the events of this past Halloween and really got into the spirit of things. 
For those of you who do not partake in the festivities... hope you had a relaxing evening.
Wicked Good Time