I was delighted to know that National Napping day falls on March 14th. It made me want to look more into the benefits of napping and share them with my readers. The lovely people at Casper have prepared the info-graphic above which specifies exactly why we should all take regular naps.
My favorite is the catnap, it gives a fresh burst of energy afterwards, to me this is the ultimate purpose of a nap. Unfortunately, i work ling shifts where i don't get the chance to nap and hence fall apart early in the evening. I try my best to nap on the weekends even if for 30 minutes. This way I wake up refreshed and can spend a more delightful evening with my family.
What is your napping preference? If you never nap, this weekend is the perfect time to try it out and start experiencing all the benefits!
Another tip, get a good mattress and comfortable pillows and you will look forward to napping.
The info-graphic was prepared by Casper.
About Casper:Casper is a sleep startup that created the perfect mattress, sheets, and pillow for everyone. Casper's products are of TIME's 25 best inventions for 2015, they also received Fast Company innovation by design 2015 award, and Big Innovation award 2016.Check out their website and you can shop their products online.This post is not sponsored