Colors are not very cheap either. Just like everything else, the price for colors generally depends on what the shade is going to be and how long it is. For example, dark hair might cost you more than light hair. The darker colors will cost more because it is going to take more of a toll on your scalp and nails to get you to the store to buy it. Read more about Getting Rid of Chapped Skin here.
However, there is good thing about this. After hair color care doesn't necessarily have to cost a whole lot more. This means that you can go to a cheaper salon where the cost to dye hair can be considerably less than in a place where you can find a brand name salon.
The bad thing about having a salon is that you can be kind of limited in your choices. If you are already going to the right place, you might as well go there more often just to get the same results. This means that after care is a matter of just being consistent with the right place or the right products.
Make sure that you shop around for a hair dye that is both affordable and safe. There are several different brands that you can choose from and a lot of these can be found online. You should also check whether or not the one you want to try out is a top-quality product. You can also check out reviews before you even start looking at colors.
Just remember that getting the right shade for your hair does not necessarily mean that it will work the same way with every other shade. As with everything else, you should start out small and see how it goes. You might be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel once you get the results you wanted! Check out Heat Damaged Straight Hair here.
If you have done your research, you will also know what the right products are. You can be sure that they will work effectively and safely without causing any harm to your skin or to your hair. You can do everything yourself and save money while you are at it.