Why You Cannot Be On Every Social Network in 2021 and Be Productive

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Yes, it’s come to that point, my friends and readers. You really cannot be on every social network in 2021 and still be productive in your business or on your blog.

The realization came to me when I cut the cord with Tailwind for Pinterest. For the past year and a half, it was working well. It brought traffic to the website and to other sites I’ve worked with. Pinterest drew in a few leads and clients. But in the past few months, Pinterest changed everything.

Tailwind no longer was working and the impending bill for 2021 was looming over me. I began discussing it over on Twitter with others and learned I was not alone. Some people even had their Pinterest accounts suspended.

I’m thinking of canning Tailwind and reducing my efforts in Pinterest Lisa.

Things ain’t what they used to be!

— Paul @ SideGains (@gains_side) December 14, 2020

Thanks, Paul for engaging in the conversation and for the others who also joined in 🙂

So, instead of wasting more time mulling it over, I deactivated my subscription to Tailwind.

Time will be better spent on the blog, on the newsletters, networking, exploring new options and being on a few less social networks.

The realization came to me when I cut the cord with Tailwind for Pinterest. #socialmedia
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Why You Cannot Be On Every Social Network is Becoming More Popular

Many people this year left some of the traditional social media for alternative social media like Rumble for example. Video content creators learned they could generate more views and clicks via Rumble than the old big YouTube.

Now, if you read the Rumble piece, you can share your videos to both networks if you like. So that’s a win-win for video content creators.

So when you can do one thing and have it do several things for you, you are being more productive. But in the case above with Pinterest, I had to make images just for Pinterest and be on Tailwind to share others and share mine, etc. It was a precious time factor.

If nothing else, 2020 taught us how precious time is. We cannot get back the time that we have lost.

If nothing else, 2020 taught us how precious time is. We cannot get back the time that we have lost. #InspireToThrive #2020
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Knowing Where Your Audience Are is Key Today

Now, of course, if your audience is on Pinterest that is the place for you to focus on. You can spend that extra time making pretty pins and engaging over on that network. But here on Inspire To Thrive, Twitter and Quora are my 2 biggest sources of traffic.

Every few months I go through an audience for me and my clients to see where their audiences are as well. That’s where I guide them to be. It really is different for everyone.  Because, what works for me, may not necessarily work for you.

And what worked last month may not work this month like in the case with Tailwind and Pinterest. Therefore, Twitter and Quora may not work come January. That is why I explore other networks all the time. You have to be ahead of the social media curve!

So, if you are everywhere all the time, you are defeating your purpose to be engaging on the platform you should be spending more time on.

You have to be ahead of the social media curve! #socialmediamarketing
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Social Media is a Not a Fast Method for Marketing

Social media is a means to an end but it takes a long time to get the means there. It can take up to 2 or more years to begin to generate leads via social media.

The same for blogging. It all does not happen immediately like “real ads”  do.

Yes, remember real ads? The old days of print and TV and radio. You placed an ad and the phone began to ring immediately! If you put something to give away free the phone never stopped ringing. ☎️

But you can do ads like that on Google and social networks. They will cost money/investment to work. (And the time to get them right! Many people have wasted money on the ads when not done right.) That’s why there is training for Facebook and Google ads out there. People pay others to do the ads for them today.

Nothing is FREE, cheap, or quick. All good things take investment in time and or some money.

That's why there is training for Facebook and Google ads out there. People pay others to do the ads for them today. #socialmediamarketing
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Your Time is Why You Cannot Be On Every Social Network

Today it is about the time you spend that results in generating money for your business or blog. You must focus on the short term to bring in money and the long-term to be your business for the long haul.

Most businesses take 5 years to grow to generate an income! (That’s from Business 101.) So always set the expectation up that it takes time to grow a business and/or a blog if you are going it alone!

Now, if you work with others and have a team you may be able to grow those efforts a little quicker. Businesses and blogs both grow quicker when a team is working on them.

Each person is accountable for a certain part of the production and promotion of that business or blog.  Imagine if you could produce another one of you to work your business?

You can always hire out until that time comes if you want to go in that direction or purchase fantastic tools to help you along the way.

Your Turn

Now, do you see why your time is why you cannot be on every social network? How many are you on today and will you be dropping any for the new year?

I’d love to know more in the comments below. ⬇⬇⬇

Please share on your favorite social media. 💬