Why You Can’t Miss New York City in the Summer

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel
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Why You Can’t Miss New York City in the Summer

There are few cities in the world that carry a simply magical feeling to them which I dare any traveler to truly define. We have been lucky to travel to some pretty wonderful cities around the world and have experienced them all as best we can, but still we have only felt the true magic in a small handful of cities. Its nearly impossible to not fall in love with Paris and Venice took our breath away but New York City has, without a doubt, the most electrifying feeling of them all, especially in the summer time.

You know from the second you arrive that there is just something special about New York City. Hard to define and impossible to describe, New York is a city like no other and this is why you can’t miss New York City, especially in the summer.

The city truly comes alive as the cold starts to flee around April, and while there might still be some cold days through May, New York City blossoms as the trees and flowers do and is filled with a vibrance few cities have ever felt. The people come alive with an energy you cannot ignore, life is good and the city knows it.

The food is a good enough reason to visit the city no matter the time of year, but come to New York in the summer and you are in for a special treat. Home to some of the most delicious and well known restaurants in the world, New York is a place many famous chefs also call home and where many of them have opened smaller, more home like restaurants and tasting rooms. These, almost boutique, restaurants and cafes serve some of the best food around, and during the warm summer months they often feature special menus, social events and outdoor patios which fill with life well into the night.

Well known for its eclectic and ever changing art scene, the summer brings a renewed wave of artistic endeavors to the city and you’d be hard pressed not to find a new gallery opening, art show or other creative outlet being showed off on any weekend in the city, no matter where you found yourself. Get lost, follow the music, follow the color and you’ll be sure to find yourself making an unforgettable memory in no time.

Not only does the nightlife blossom in the summer time, but the activities during the day do as well. If you are an active person and want to get in some exercise while in the city, there is simply nothing better to do than to explore central park. Social running groups are common and easy to link up with as well as free yoga classes, kickball, frisbee and softball leagues, the opportunities are truly endless.

There is nothing like packing a picnic, grabbing the cooler and and blanket and heading to Central Park with a group of friends on a beautiful summer day. Don’t fear the humidity, find some shade, bring the sunscreen and relax in one of the most unique and vibrant cities in the world.

No trip would be complete without a visit to Times Square, visit the world famous Virgin Mega Store and see the Empire State building for the first time. But make sure to also save time to visit Lincoln Center and see a performance, the New York Philharmonic used to mesmerize me as a child. Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, visit the Brooklyn Zoo and visit the Museum of Natural History, all will be amazing. And if you like shopping? Don’t even get us started, the choices are endless – everything is at your fingertips.

If sports are your thing you’ve got many options, and while the Knicks and Giants don’t play in the summer months (Unless the Knicks make the playoffs… yea right.) you’ve got not one, but two baseball teams to watch. There is nothing quite as American as watching a baseball game in the summer and with the legacies of both the New York Mets and New York Yankees, there is hardly a better city in America to watch a baseball game.

Traveling to the big apple is easy as pie and there are endless ways to get there. Flights to New York are always popular and there are constantly deals on weekend getaways and holiday trips. Even if you don’t take the train to the city, a visit to Grand Central Station will not disappoint as it is one of the most beautiful and iconic buildings in the whole city. Busses have always run routes to and from New York City from nearby cities like Boston, Philadelphia and Washington, DC and in recent years the newer busses often offer free wifi, electrical plugs and bathrooms, a huge upgrade from when I was growing up.

While visiting New York is an amazing experience any time of year, the city truly has something special for those who visit in the summer. So pack your bags, jump on the plane, train or bus and make your way to what might be the most magical and fascinating city in the world. And once you do, come back and tell us about your adventures and see if you can describe the magical feeling the city has to our readers better than we could. Up, up and away, the big apple awaits!

Images provided from Flickr via Premshree PillaiJoey Lax-SalinasDan Nguyen and Kamran Aslam

.H Jeff Johns is the co-founder and editor of Latitude 34 Travel Blog. Through 65 countries on 6 continents he has accumulated a seemingly endless stream of odd information, interesting stories and helpful tips and tricks to better travel. Jeff’s goal is to visit all 204 countries on Earth before he is too senile to remember them all. A graduate of the Visual Journalism program at the Brooks Institute, his true passions lay in honest visual storytelling, documentary filmmaking, Thai food and a good laugh. Together with his girlfriend Marina, they run Latitude 34 Travel Blog as a source of helpful information for those who love to travel or those who simply dream of it. If you have a comment or suggestion, send them an email at hello@latitudethirtyfour.com and they’ll respond super fast!