Why, Yes, I Did Take That Photo for a Reason

By Marney @marmiscellany

It was the seating that caught my, Salleles d’Aude, France

I think I’ve mentioned before that I have a professional interest in design, interior design, and architecture. One thing I’ve noticed when I travel is that I often take pictures that, if I were to show them to someone else, it would not be clear why I thought it was worth taking in the first place. These pictures usually have some random design element that caught my eye, and it’s usually something I have to point out.

Take the picture above. While I admit, I do like taking photos of old buildings, and I do have a collection of photos of laundry hung out to dry, it wasn’t either of those things that caught my eye. It was the fact that what looks like car seats were kept against the wall for outdoor seating.

Floorboards at Samuel Johnson’s house, London

This is one of the few pictures I have of my visit to Dr. Samuel Johnson’s house in London. You may have heard of him. He’s famous for compiling the first dictionary of the English language. The house is a beautiful 300-year-old brick townhouse in a small square off Fleet St. He used its large attic as his workspace. I tell you this because the only photo I really have from my visit is this one showing the worn carpet with against the floorboards. I liked the aged look of the floor, how the boards were different lengths and widths.

View of Port d’Andratx from bedroom window

I actually took this photo, not so much for its nice view from the bedroom of our Mallorca home exchange but because I liked the the window dividers divided the view into distinct frames.

Is it a hall runner or is it tile? Soller, Spain

Maybe I also have a thing for floors? This is a hallway at Can Prunera, a home, now a museum, that is an incredible piece of Spanish modernist architecture. I’d show you a photo of one of its rooms, if I could, but you’ll have to settle for this one of a tile floor designed to look like a rug.

Puzzle-piece linoleum, Pittock Mansion, Portland, OR

The Pittock Mansion in Portland is French-style chateau, built on a hill overlooking the city. Again, this is a beautiful building with many nice architectural details, which I can’t show you, except for its kitchen floor with its fun linoleum.

Brickwork at Tower of London

Here’s my sole photo from the Tower of London. It’s not even that great because I had to use my phone camera, so I couldn’t zoom in to well. What was the attraction? The dark red of the angled brickwork against the dark wood.

Fireplace in Northern New Mexico.

This is the fireplace at an old hunting lodge in Northern New Mexico that’s now a rustic hostel. Again, the building is wonderful, but I liked its crooked, smoke-stained fireplace.

Sink and chandelier at Woodman Pub, Highgate, London

While even I don’t usually take photos of bathrooms, much less restaurant bathrooms. How could I pass up the chance to remember the glitzy chandelier and round sink at the Woodman Pub in London’s Highgate?

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