Why Women Should Date After Divorce to Revive Social Life

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

A popular question is asked very frequently even by intelligent people that should a divorcee woman start dating again or should she abandon this idea once and for all? I would like to put a counter question to them. Why should a divorcee woman quit dating after all? A survey carried out on the subject reveals that 55 % of the divorcee women have admitted that they have zero sexual relations per month after the divorce. It should be understood that you as a divorcee are the most important person in your life. If you do not want to remain happy no one else will come forward to your rescue. If you quit dating it means leaving the mainstream of social life altogether. You can restart your social activities by going on a dating program. [Read: How Women Should Ensure Personal Safety on a Date]

Reassure Yourself

First of all you need to reassure yourself. No doubt divorce is a big shock in one's life as it amounts to splitting up of a family. A long association ends up suddenly leaving the ex spouses bewildered. In order to lead a normal life you have to rediscover yourself. You should come out of the situation of dismay.

[Read: How to Date with a Widower]

Discover the Right Man for Dating

The man of your new dating venture should be an appropriate one. It should not be a repetition of the tragedy that fell up on you earlier. The man of your temperament can come in contact with you anywhere; in a restaurant, a shopping mall, a club or even a pub. After a few dating occasions you will generally come to know about the ins and outs of your new man.

Avoid Discussing Bitter Memories of the Past

When you meet with your new man, avoid discussing your ex husband in detail. Though you may, rather should, tell your new man briefly what happened to your married life and how it culminated in a divorce, but it is advisable not to discuss or repeat the bitter events that has taken a heavy toll of your peace of mind and smooth social life.

Take Your Children into Confidence

If you have children it will be an added difficulty. Preferably children should not be involved in domestic conflicts, particularly the small and young children, as it is going to have an adverse effect on their psychological profile. It is recommended that once you restart dating successfully you should divulge it to your kids in phases. Let them face the realities of life boldly and understand them with logic and reasoning.