Why White People Care About NAM’s

Posted on the 22 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

TRASH: All this for NAM’S with low IQ’s who spend their lives pimping their women to sell crack and live off food stamps and stolen shoes. They do not obsess about Black dildos or anything but gold chains, KFC and watching sports TV. Who gives a shit about them?

Why do we obsess over Cholos and NAM’S who cannot earn a living and spend most of their time in jail or sitting on a stoop high on street drugs? None of them give 2 shits about Rome, Greece, Tel Aviv or any other aspect of White culture. All they care about are drugs and prostitutes.

I will have to step in here to defend racist Whites or at least Whites who are not real crazy about having lots of NAM’s around. I will defend their thinking, but I will tell you why they feel this and why so many Whites do care about NAM’s. The thing is today if you don’t have a lot of money, you often end up living with NAM’s.

It isn’t like there are special low income White neighborhoods where all the low income Whites could go. If those were available, a lot of low income Whites might just move there. There are places like that, but they tend to be in rural areas that often have poor economies, and there are few good jobs out there.

Here in California, if you do not have a lot of money and you’re White, you’re probably going to live with NAM’s. The nicer neighborhoods with decent surroundings and low crime typically tend to be a lot Whiter (maybe with Asians mixed in) and they usually have fewer NAM’s, though there are usually some NAM’s there too. Here in California, there are not many all-White neighborhoods anymore.

I hate to say it, but once Hispanics get enough money, they often move out of those glorious, vibrant, La Raza Hispanic neighborhoods and move somewhere not far away that is very heavily White. Even Hispanics with money don’t want to live with their own kind. Actually it is a bit sad.

And of course it is the same thing with Blacks. I am sure those Black neighborhoods full of that melanin-enhanced Sunshine Race are perfectly wonderful to a prideful Black. Well, actually the problem is that those Black Master Race neighborhoods are typically not that great. In fact, you would wonder how and why such a superior race could create such hellholes.

Anyway, once Blacks get some money, they often flee to White neighborhoods or at least Whiter neighborhoods. Yes, there are some wealthy Black neighborhoods like Ladera Heights or Baldwin Hills, but options like that are typically not available to moneyed Blacks. I would say though that Blacks tend to reject “Whiter” neighborhoods while rejecting “All-White” neighborhoods.

I have lived in a number of nearly pure White places most of my life, and there were few Blacks there, and those that were there sometimes reported problems. Maybe it’s not pleasant for Blacks to be one of the very few Black people in an almost pure White town. Such towns are not extremely racist, but there is definitely an undercurrent of unspoken and subtle racism humming in the background in these places, and maybe Blacks can pick up on it. But once again, Blacks don’t want to live with their own kind either after after they get some money. First thing they do is generally take off. And that’s sad, as it is with the Hispanics.

Due to the trend of moneyed NAM’s moving to Whiter places, there are not a whole lot of pure White neighborhoods left, at least here in California. So even in White neighborhoods, you are usually living around a few NAM’s here or there. Very well behaved NAM’s generally, but NAM’s nonetheless.

But to answer TRASH’s question, Whites care about NAM’s because an awful lot of Whites end up having not much choice but having to live around them. And the more NAM’s you live around, the more this glorious White culture of Rome, Greece and Tel Aviv tends to go out. It’s hard to sustain that High White culture in a neighborhood full of NAM’s. That culture mostly sustainable in White towns or at least moneyed places, which also tend to assimilate to High White culture no matter their makeup.

Another reason Whites care about NAM’s is because a lot of us have to live around a lot of us, and often there is a decline in the community when you get many of them around. We resent seeing our communities decline due to these people we live with.

And even if we do not live with them, these ghettos and barrios are part of our fair land after all, and it makes us angry to see NAM’s lay waste to parts of our country or turn them into Little Mexicos.

Sure, most of us don’t want to go live in East LA or Detroit, but it’s a bit sickening that these places even exist in our country at all. If have any tiniest ounce of patriotism, it makes you mad to see even parts of your country being run down whether you live there or not. I mean look, Detroit and East LA are part of my country too, ok? They are part of my land whether I live there or not. Those two cities could be metaphorically described as tiny parts of my body, of my very skin. And seeing them decline or immiserate is heartbreaking and a bit disgusting. So watching these places tumble down or scatter into shreds of flying entropy is almost like having a little disease infection on my skin in a couple of very small places. Those infections are very minor, but who wants a skin disease no matter how small? Do you follow?

Another thing is that as mentioned above, High White culture which many of us value gets harder and harder to sustain in places full of NAM’s. So it tends to decline where it does not go out altogether. And it is often replaced with a frankly inferior heavily-NAM influenced somewhat declined culture. So when Whites are surrounded by lots of NAM’s, White culture fades and in its place, Whites start adopting a culture that is less White and more NAM-like.

What I am trying to say is that having lots of NAM’s around often leads to substantial wiggerizaztion of Whites as Whites adopt NAM behaviors and lose of the finer aspects of the best of our culture. In other words, White people remain, but their culture deteriorates as Whites start to become “cultural NAM’s.” Now I love my people, but it’s not their looks I care about. I like the way Whites act. They act like me and think like me. I like White culture. It’s my culture. And saving White people while eliminating White culture seems a useless endeavor. Whites who act like NAM’s are hardly better than NAM’s themselves. There’s nothing even worth preserving there unless you’re partial to White phenotypes.

In other words, why would anyone give a damn about “White genocide” if it was a bunch of Wiggerized Whites who were going out. I would say there’s nothing to save there, and the loss of these people is hardly even a tragedy, and it’s maybe even a good thing.

This is a bit long-winded, but what I am trying to do is explain why a lot of White people are racist to one degree or another and why many do care about NAM’s and care about them quite a bit. I am not defending White racist feelings. I am just telling you the reason for them, which is honestly not completely irrational.