Why Wearing a Suit Changes How You Think Plus More Weekend Reading

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Research has found that wearing a suit makes you think more analytically.

Loved this Do’s and Don’t’s list from Recovering Shopaholic – it’s a great example of what I suggest at the end of the Evolve Your Style challenge

Fascinating post on Fashion and Aging – a must read

Getting dressed should be fun and I love that My Small Wardrobe agrees.

Sue shares her thoughts on being the best you ever.

I found this a thought provoking post by Likes of Me.

It’s Mother’s Day in some parts of the world on Sunday, so here is a post on what to wear from High Latitude Style

And if you need to make her a yummy sweet gift, consider these chocolate kisses from Life Love and Hiccups.

On the topic of families and kids and chores Chelsea shares her ideas on this topic.

And what am I doing for mother’s day tomorrow?  Well I’m running the Mother’s Day Classic in Melbourne (if you see me say hello), it will be the second time in my life I’ve run 8km, before I come home and have a lovely breakfast prepared by my kids, and then of course it’s off to soccer and the usual Sunday family things.  What are you doing for mother’s day?