We produce proof of U.S. citizenship when we apply for a U.S. passport. But when we register to vote, no proof of U.S. citizenship is required.
We are asked for our driver’s license to prove our identity (I.D.) when we use a credit card at stores. But when we vote, no I.D. is required.
Why is that?
And if state governments actually try to implement a Voter I.D. law, Democrats cry “RAAACISM!”
Why is that?
The answer is simple:
Because not requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote and not requiring an I.D. to vote benefits Democrats.
Why is that?
The answer, once again, is simple and obvious:
Because there are Democrat voters who are NOT U.S. citizens, which of course is unlawful, fraudulent, and criminal.
What does that make the Democrat Party?
Answer: A criminal political party that actively aids and abets fraud.
Do we have evidence of non citizens voting?
You betcha.
Here’s a video of illegal aliens — non U.S. citizens — who are registered to vote in Florida. In so doing, each of them not only committed a felony, they stole a vote from an American citizen.
H/t Sage_brush
There are also confirmed reports of sizable numbers of non citizens voting in Georgia and Colorado.
The above video was posted on YouTube on April 4, 2012, with a request to viewers to notify federal and state lawmakers and candidates for public office.
NOTHING was done.
And so Americans went to vote on November 6, 2012, having been told that we must exercise our sacred right as U.S. citizens secured for us by the sacrifice of countless soldiers who had died defending that right. Blah, blah, blah.
All bullshit.
While Americans obligingly and solemnly trooped to our respective voting places across the fruited plains, countless nonAmericans — whose numbers we will never know — also trooped to voting places across the corrupted plains to commit acts of felony.
How do we know that?
1. Because on November 6, 2012, Obama did not win a single state that requires photo IDs to vote. In other words, Mitt Romney won every state that requires voter I.D. (Read more about this in Terry’s post, “One More Glass of Whine.“)
2. Because on November 6, 2012, Obama won 75% of Latino voters nationwide. (“President Barack Obama won reelection on Tuesday thanks in part to near-record levels of support from Latino voters, who came out in huge numbers to support him over GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.” -HuffPo)
Even more striking is this: those states that Romney won not only require voter I.D., they also do not traditionally vote Republican. Which means Romney was able to overcome those states’ Democrat-leaning disposition by convincing them of the failure of Obama’s presidency.
Our present electoral system is virtually defenseless to fraud, but the ruling Democrat Party refuses to do anything about it. Nor has the Republican Party done anything about it. In fact, without the collusion of the GOP, we wouldn’t have non U.S. citizens voting. Without the collusion of the Republican Party through the years, we wouldn’t have millions and millions of illegal aliens crossing the border into America and allowed to stay in America to having children who now demand that they be given U.S. citizenship via the Dream Act. Becoming U.S. citizens, those children in turn can sponsor their parents to be U.S. citizens. All of which means the Dream Act is really just Orwellian newspeak for Amnesty for Illegals.
All of which means our present political system is utterly corrupt.
So now we know why we lost the 2012 election.
Mitt Romney and the 58,163,978 Americans who voted for him didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.
- We lost because of the Democrats’ massive cheating.
- We lost because 3 million Americans who had voted for John McCain in 2008 chose to stay home on November 6. Among them are the peevish sulking Ron Paul cultists and the anti-Mormon Christian bigots who, by refusing to vote for what they call “the lesser of two evil,” helped to elect not just the GREATER of two evils but the Devil himself.
- We lost because the votes of our military — who overwhelmingly favor Romney over Obama 2 to 1 — were suppressed. (See “Military absentee votes lost in plane crash“.)
Now the Demonrats have the White House for at least four more years and an even bigger majority in the U.S. Senate who will ensure the smooth passage of at least two leftwingers to the Supreme Court.
In the meantime, the usual betrayers in the GOP — including Sean Hannity, you piece of shit — are already clamoring for the Republican Party to “change” to make itself “more appealing” to Hispanic, women, and young voters.
Yes indeed! Let’s “accommodate” Hispanics with amnesty for illegals! Let’s “accommodate” women with free birth control! Let’s just get rid of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act altogether! Let’s just “forgive” have taxpayers pick up the $117 billion student loans — a bubble just poised to burst, which promises to be even bigger and more disastrous than the 2008 housing bubble.
Why do we even bother to have a two-party system?