Why Was Saddam Removed and the Shia Installed?

Posted on the 06 June 2015 by Calvinthedog


Why Americans then removed Sunni Saddam from power and gave power to Shias.

Saddam was an enemy of Israel. The mostly Jewish neocons lied and made up a big story about how the Shia would love us for removing their enemy Saddam and about how they would be extremely pro-American and how they would be the most pro-American and pro-Israel state in the Middle East. I am not sure if they lied or if they really believed this idiocy. These people seem to believe a lot of the lunatic nonsense that they say. I suppose they think their own lies are true. They look at the world and see it as they want it to be, and then they say that this is how the world really is. They project their desires onto the world as reality. They are ideologues, so they are not capable of being rational.

Notice that all of the enemies of Israel are being removed.

  • Saddam, enemy of Israel: Removed, nation destroyed.
  • Assad, enemy of Israel: Project to remove him ongoing nation destroyed.
  • Gaddafi, enemy of Israel: Removed, nation destroyed.
  • Hezbollah, enemy of Israel: Many threats to get rid of them. Seen as one of America’s worst enemies, when the truth is they are only a danger to the Jews.
  • Iran, enemy of Israel: Multiple projects to harm and ruin this country are ongoing.

I suppose the message is if you are an enemy of Israel, the US military is going to remove you either on its own or with its baby Al Qaedas that the US keeps around to fight its enemies. Not only that, but your country will be completely destroyed.

It’s a pretty powerful message.

The point is that the US Deep State Gentiles are just as much in favor of this project as the US Jews are. So the Gentile Deep State has merged with the Jews. The enemies of the Jews are the enemies of America and vice versa. It’s an alliance.