Why Tire Pressure Light Flashing On Jeep & How To Fix It?

Posted on the 08 October 2022 by Gearstips

Have you been driving in a hurry to get to work when all of a sudden an orange indication with a flashing exclamation symbol appears on the instrument panel? If this is the case, it would appear that the Tire Pressure Light is trying to get your attention. Do not be troubled since we are here to assist you in working through this challenge.

When the vehicle is first started, it is typical for the Tire Pressure light to blink once. If, on the other hand, the indicator light flashes on and off repeatedly, there are two possible explanations: either the tire pressure is low, in which case the tire has to be filled with air, or the Tire Pressure Sensor is broken and needs to be recalibrated or replaced.

Now, all of this could make you feel like your life is a mess. But you shouldn’t be worried about it because finding a solution won’t take long at all. We promise that in dealing with this issue, we will adopt the simplest and most direct way possible. Continue reading because we are going to get right into it!

What Causes Flashing Tire Pressure Light on Jeep?

The Tire Pressure Monitoring Technology, abbreviated as TPMS, is an innovative system that is standard on all contemporary vehicles (Jeep models manufactured after 2007), and its primary function is to alert the driver whenever there is an issue with the vehicle’s tire pressure.

Therefore, it does not matter which model of Jeep you are driving—whether it is a Wrangler, Cherokee, or Gladiator—the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), which is produced by Jeep themselves, will always be by your side. Since we are already familiar with TPMS, let’s investigate what sets it off and makes the indicator light blink:

  • Low Tire Pressure
  • Abrupt changes in temperature
  • Malfunctioning TPMS sensor
  • Low Battery Level or Discharged Battery on the TPMS sensor

3 Solutions For Flashing Tire Pressure Light on Jeep

We have finally reached the most crucial part of the discussion. In this section, we will investigate potential solutions for the various problems that we outlined before and more extensively above. So get your toolbox ready, and then attentively follow the steps that are provided below to get your motorcycle back on the road in no time!

1. Low Tire Pressure: Fill up tires according to their correct PSI

It is extremely likely that your tyres will lose air pressure throughout the course of their lifetime. They also run the risk of being punctured. In the end, it doesn’t matter which direction you go, they’ll both turn out to be flat. However, this is quite normal, and there is absolutely no cause for alarm.

If the Tire Pressure Light is flashing on your Jeep and you are having this issue, it is recommended that you first check the pressure of your tyres at a gas station that is nearby.

Compare this number to the one that is listed on the passenger side of the driver’s door as the ideal tire pressure. Make the necessary adjustments to the tire pressure. Now, drive your vehicle at a speed between 15 and 20 miles per hour for approximately ten minutes for the TPMS to be reset.

If the blinking continues, you should check the pressure of your tyres again to determine whether or not the tire has lost pressure over time. If this is the case, there is a good chance that your tire has been punctured, which means it either needs to be fixed or replaced.

There is often a $1 to $2 price range when it comes to inflating a car’s tyres. A flat tire can cost anywhere from $10 to $20 to fix, while buying a new one can cost $150 to $500 or more.

2. Abrupt changes in temperature: Blinking should stop automatically

The TPMS sensor can be set off by sudden changes in weather or temperature, which can make the light blink. This is because of a simple rule of science: pressure changes as temperature changes.

If the temperature changes quickly, the blinking will stop because the sudden change is what is causing the TPMS to detect a small change in pressure and cause it to blink.

3. Malfunctioning TPMS Sensor: Replacing the Sensor

The TPMS sensor, which was added to Jeeps in 2008 and later, can sometimes go bad and stop working. Most of the time, the blinking is caused by a broken TPMS sensor.

If you just put air in your tyres, but the Tire Pressure Light keeps blinking, you can be sure that your TPMS sensor isn’t working right.

Changing out the TPMS sensor will do the trick. If you need help with your car, you can always go to the service department. Or, you can just do it yourself by following the steps below.

Tools Needed To Fix the Issue:

  • Jackstand
  • Air Decompressor (6 gallon)
  • Tire Balancer
  • TPMS Sensor (according to your car model)

The first step is to use the jack stand to take the wheel off. Then take out the needle from the valve tube and empty the entire tire. We now need to break the bead free.

To get rid of the beat, put pressure on any part of the tire except where the bulb is, because that’s where the TPMS sensor is. Once the bead is loose, put the tire on the balancer and pry it open. Make sure you don’t hurt the sensor again.

Use a screwdriver to open the TPMS sensor now that the tire is off. Just put the new sensor on and you’re ready to go.

At a service centre, replacing the TPMS sensor will cost you around $230. The parts will cost around $150, and the labor will cost between $65 and $85. If you do it yourself, you won’t save money on labour, but you will have to pay for the parts.

How To Test Jeep Tire Pressure Light?

Only by driving your Jeep can you tell if the Tire Pressure Light has been fixed. Make sure that the Tire Pressure Light flashes once when the car is turned on. This shows that the TPMS is working.

Drive your car at a normal speed and in normal weather to see if the Tire Pressure Light blinks again. We hope it won’t happen. This is because it is unlikely that the new sensor that was put in will also be broken.


Some of the most common questions about the “Jeep Tire Pressure Light Flashing” are answered below. Look at it, and we hope it helps you understand better.

Is it safe to drive with the tire pressure light flashing?

No, driving with the TPMS light flashing is very risky and can cause damage to the car. Driving with tyres that are too full could make them wear out faster. Also, it can cause more fuel consumption.

Also, you won’t be able to drive the car well. And there will be more heat buildup, which can make tyres blow out and cause accidents.

How far can you drive your Jeep with the tire pressure light flashing?

There is no safe distance you can drive with the TPMS light flashing. When the Tire Pressure Light flashes, it is very important to pay attention to it. So you should only drive short distances and get it fixed as soon as possible.

Should I disable the TPMS system to stop it from flashing?

Nope. The TPMS system is very important because it lets you know when your tire has low pressure and you might get a flat. Flat tyres are dangerous because they can cause cars to crash. So it’s not a good idea to turn off the TPMS system.

Is it suggested that I replace the TPMS sensor by myself?

You shouldn’t do it, but you can try. The reason for this is that you need tools like Tire Balance to get the tire off the rim, which are not easy to find.

Also, the TPMS sensor is very delicate, so there is a chance you could break it. If you can, you should ask a mechanic for help.


Accidents can happen if you drive your Jeep while the tire pressure light is flashing. So, if you see an orange light blinking on your dashboard, it’s time to give your car a thorough check.

Start with the tire pressure and move slowly to the TPMS sensor. Use this article as a guide and take things one step at a time. We promise that this won’t be hard at all. This will only take about an hour to fix.

So you’ll know what to do the next time the Tire Pressure Light Flashes on your Jeep. Give your vehicle the care it needs. Because you can only enjoy the ride you need if you do.

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