Why the Nature Argument is More Hopeful for Blacks Than the Nurture Argument

Posted on the 05 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

Swank: I don’t mean to be too harsh, but…..if I were correct that HBD is unscientific psychological warfare against Blacks and minorities generally, a Black person believing it would be unfortunate.

And if I were correct about HBD, the fact that Blacks are and have been recruited into it demonstrates the kind of twisted psychological issues that Blacks must face that no other group has to face.

Tulio: Not necessarily. Some people have looked at the evidence from a dispassionate viewpoint and decided that Occam’s razor falls on the HBD site. Of course this stuff is inherently controversial, and there will always be counter-arguments back and forth. I can say I’ve now been on both sides of the debate and I find the HBD arguments more intellectually convincing.

I think it is good that Blacks are believing in HBD. HBD is ultimately very hopeful and I think the Nurture side is hopeless. We can almost never seem to create this Superenvironment where Blacks turned into Norwegians or Koreans and have IQ’s as high as Whites or crime rates as low as Whites. Nothing seems to work. This implies that there is something biological going on. Biological HBD is actually very hopeful for Blacks.

  • Genetic engineering: We are getting near to the age where IQ gaps between races don’t even matter as they could possibly be overcome by genetic engineering.
  • Smart drugs: There are many drugs out there that are scientifically proven to make you smarter. Give them to Black people.
  • Selective breeding: Tulio argues for selective breeding for intelligence among Africans. Great idea! Low IQ has a catastrophic effect on Africa and the humans in it. It demands to be remedied.
  • Testosterone pills: If Blacks indeed have elevated testosterone, we could perhaps give Black mothers or Black boys pills to lower their testosterone. We could also offer these pills to young Black men. If the pills really lowered testosterone for young Blacks, it would be win-win all the way as they would commit a lot less crime and violence and also they would get a lot less prostate cancer. Testosterone lowering drugs would probably have almost no serious side effects for Blacks.