Why the Immigration Bill is a Slap in the Face to Equal Rights

Posted on the 18 June 2013 by Thelongversion @thelongversion

It’s hard to hold back the feelings of revulsion as I watch the US Attorney General, Eric Holder, talk about equal rights and civil rights in conjunction with the immigration bill being crafted on Capital Hill.

He hits on all the key “buzz phrase talking points” like; mechanism to earn citizenship, coming out of the shadows, a matter of civil and human rights, equal opportunity…

Sounds reasonable until you realize this man has no clue what the definition of civil rights or human rights even is let alone equal opportunity. But it sounds so reasonable…

No matter what kind of reasonable vocabulary they attach to the immigration bill, as it stands today, it is nothing more than amnesty for 11 to 20 million illegal aliens. Depending on whose numbers you agree with.

How can amnesty from justice for those who willingly and knowingly broke the law be equated with civil rights?

I guess first you have to understand what civil rights do? Civil rights insure protection from discrimination so all of us can have an equal chance to make the most of our lives. Civil rights however, DO NOT insure protection FROM the law.

When have we as Americans ever in our history sought to reward those who break our laws? How does earning citizenship in any form begin by sneaking across the border and living off the books? That, in my understanding of principle and what’s right, is simply stealing from those who abide by the laws.

And what about those who are currently in line to become citizens of this nation, who have done it the right way? What about those who have spent thousands even tens of thousands of dollars to gain entrance into this country as a legal US citizen? HOw can they possibly see this bill as an “equal rights” issue? What’s equal about one person paying their way and another getting a freebie? This is nothing but a slap in their face and a mockery of the process they so patiently went through.

While I can sympathize with the plight of the person or family who illegally entered the United States because they realized the system in their own country simply did not work and they desired something more. But disregard for the law by those who would break it and those who are supposed to uphold it creates a level of disrespect for law altogether. Until our own government respects the laws that are on the books, how can we really expect anyone else to respect them?

We don’t respect our own law. We haven’t placed a value on citizenship. We haven’t placed a value on being here in this country and being a citizen. The people crossing the borders illegally are not people coming here because they want to be Americans or because they want to assimilate. Nobody’s talking about teaching them the principles of being an American and from what we are seeing in their actions and words they don’t want that.
There was a time when the majority of immigrants to this country came here for the principles of freedom and liberty and the desire to become Americans not hyphenated-Americans.

Joe Kerry is an example of that type of immigrant. Joe’s family came to the US from North Korea. They loved the American principles they had heard about and longed for. Joe doesn’t speak Korean. He can understand it but he can’t speak it because his parents would not teach it to him. They said, “you’re going to speak English and you’re going to be an American and you’re going to make something of yourself.”

What has happened to that culture? No one is holding up our melting pot culture.

You are being misled by many of your elected representatives about this immigration bill. If you want to know why you’ll need to go no further than the end of the money trail. It leads to big business who is in bed with this big government and want to continue the flow of cheap labor that comes with immigrants who can’t speak the language but are willing to do whatever they can to feed their families. This goes to the heart of many of our political problems today. Big money is being dangled like a carrot and Republicans and Democrats alike are so addicted to the big business bucks that they are willing to toss principle aside and make believe no one will get hurt.

But they are lying to themselves just as surely as they are lying to the people of this country. This bill as written by the gang of 8, will hurt not only every law-abiding citizen, but it will eventually hurt those who are at the crux of the legislation. The immigrants. If amnesty is not written out of this bill this country will change in a way no one is prepared for or would wish for.

Mark my words.