Why the Cultural Left Lies So Much

Posted on the 05 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

One of the many idiocies of the Cultural Left is that it hates so many traditional beliefs that human groups have. It hates them because these bits of traditional wisdom are typically not PC. The Cultural Left has an odd way of diving the truth.

Their exegesis goes like this:

If a statement is not PC, it is false.

If a statement is PC, it is true.

Wow! That’s quite an impressive philosophical view of the Truth they have there. Plato must be rolling in his grave!

So in a sense, the Cultural Left is waging war. One of the principle wars they are waging is a war against Normality. The Cultural Left hates the very idea that any human behavior is normal. If you say you are a normal person, the Cultural Left hates you. The only way to be accepted by them is to be a pervert, deviant or weirdo. Normal people are evil because they are insult to the freaks we all must become.

The other war that the Cultural Left wages is against Truth. The Cultural Left defines truth as PC. Falsehood means not PC. This stupid belief system is why the various Identity Politics Cultural Left groups lie so much. These IP groups just end up being propaganda vehicles for whatever group they are agitating on behalf of:

Gay Identity Politics is just propaganda for gays.

Feminism is simply propaganda for women.

Transsexual Politics is simply propaganda for trannies.

Modern antiracism is simply propaganda against racist beliefs since  the truth about Race violates many tenets of Antiracism, hence the need for propaganda to turn Truth into Lies and Lies into Truth.

Ethnic nationalism, all of it, is just propaganda for that particular ethnic group.

Islamic IP is simply Islamic propaganda.

Nationalism (the oldest form of IP, as IP is simply tribalism) is simply propaganda for that particular country.

Immigrant IP is just propaganda for immigrants.

Fat IP is propaganda for landwhales.

Looksist IP is propaganda for fuglies.

And on and on. Propaganda of course is based on lies. That’s pretty much the definition of it. Because the various IP forms are simply propaganda vehicles for the groups in question, the Cultural Left ends up lying continuously. Any blemished truths about the group must be denied. Anything positive about the group, if anything, must be exaggerated to the point of absurdity. You can’t have a belief system that says what’s good for my guys is Truth and what’s bad for my guys is Falsehood. If you do, every other statement out of your mouth is going to be a lie designed to protect and promote your group