Why Slow And Steady Is Best When Building A New Home

Posted on the 17 September 2021 by Sim @simslifeblog

If you've chosen to build your own home, the chances are that you'll want everything to start happening straight away. Realistically though, even building a modest new home can take as much as two years. Trying to cut corners could only lengthen that term. Taking a slow and steady approach to the quality building of a home offers a better way to achieve your dream property. Here, we consider just three benefits you can enjoy from sitting back and allowing for a slow burning home build.

The ability to adjust your plans and save money

Homeowners who rush into rigid construction plans that they've most likely developed before their new build project even begun will inevitably run into often expensive issues. Obviously, working with professionals during the planning stages can help to offset this. Though it's also essential to take a step back sometimes and return to those plans as your project unfolds. Overall, this adjustable approach could save you a great deal. As well as ensuring a house that truly works per your dreams. Instead of just doggedly trying for a half-laid plan that's unlikely to work the way you imagined.

Reassurance that things are done well

All building projects can be rushed through in a shorter time frame. Though that often means cutting corners on quality and crucial considerations like electrical installation condition reports (EICR) and surveys. This can lead to both a home that doesn't stand the test of time and even a property that's not safe for usage. By instead accepting that a decent home takes time, it is more likely that your home foundations will be up to even years of usage. As well as buying yourself time to get a EICR and complete structural surveys etc. That way, when you do finally move in, you ensure that you stay settled for the rest of your days.

Your budget will be better able to deal with the strain

You might assume that rushing a home build will save you money in the long term. Though for the reasons already mentioned, this is rarely the case. As well as potentially costly mistakes/setbacks, a rushed project also means a cascade of expenses that need paying at once. By comparison, a slow-burning project that keeps operational expenses at least on the straight and narrow will typically provide staggered payments across its duration. Allowing you to better manage those hits, and hopefully have at least something left in the bank each month. To help you weather any additional expenses that you haven't factored for.

We understand the desire to have your home up and running in the shortest time. Though when it comes to building, this rushed approach is never going to serve you. Instead, put on the breaks, take the time to enjoy the scenery. Get stuck in with a long-term build on a home that you've got the rest of your lives to enjoy.

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