Why Should You Vote?

Posted on the 04 November 2016 by Krickeyb

With the election only FOUR days away, I felt it is a prime opportunity to share why I am voting this year. Although the candidates are not ideal for the 2016 election, that does not mean we should ignore our right to vote. I believe that if you can vote, you should vote. 

For many years, I was one of those Americans who would say, “My vote doesn’t even matter… so why should I care?” Granted, I still voted because I thought it was cool. (But, hey if that’s a good enough reason for you, then I won’t discount it. At least you are voting haha.) I never quite knew WHY I was voting or WHY it mattered. When I finally took the time to read about countries where people have NO say in who represents his or her country, state, city, county, etc… I began to understand.

Before you shake your head and say, “She’s just another ignorant and ethnocentric American.” Hear me out! I am not naive. I am well aware of the fact that there are countries with different types of government. Instead, you could say that I forgot how great I have it as an American. I think we all do sometimes, don’t you? 

Aside from voting simply because I am an American and “Democracy.” I, personally, vote for the women who fought for my right to do so. Generations of women fought, specifically, for my right to do a lot in this country. One of those rights is voting. Every four years (speaking specifically about Presidential elections, now), I have the option to vote for a candidate to represent my country. Can you believe that? I have the OPTION to vote. How amazing is that? Obviously, in my eyes, it is not an option. It is a priority.

Don’t worry, Men. People fought for your right to vote, too. No matter your gender, race, or age… voting is something that required sacrifice. Let’s do our part to make sure their fight was worth it. And if that isn’t enough reason for you to vote, consider these reasons:

Voting is our chance to celebrate the women and men who fought for our right to do so. (Yes, I put that in there again.)

Voting is an opportunity for us to share our voice.

Voting is important so we can complain… you know, with sincerity. jk. 

Voting is a sign of adulthood.

Voting is cool.

Voting is a chance for us to learn about issues our country is facing.

Voting is a privilege.

Voting is an honor.

Voting is important.

and most importantly…

Voting is a representation of ourselves. If we don’t vote for something (or someone) we believe in, who will?

Completely unwarranted life lesson from a married woman #34: It doesn’t matter who you choose to vote for this year (or any year). What matters is that you get out there and VOTE. If people ask you who you voted for, you tell them that it is not their business. The fact that you voted should be enough for them to respect you. Go on and vote. Not just for your future president of the USA, but also for your local representatives.

Happy Voting!

*All photos found through Google Images*