Why Should You Visit the Sistine Chapel?

Posted on the 01 April 2019 by Ssti @sightseeingtou2

Rome is full of cultural encounters, and visiting the Vatican opens up even more insightful experiences that roll back time and let you discover what ancient life was like in Rome.

One of the most popular attractions in the Vatican is the Sistine Chapel, which is renowned for its incredible fresco painting on the ceiling that was created by Michelangelo. But this isn’t the only reason you should visit this incredibly important religious and historical building.

The Papal Conclave

The Vatican is perhaps the most important religious place in the world, as it is home to the highest leader of the Catholic faith, the Pope. Not only does the Sistine Chapel provide an insight into the Papal history of the Vatican, where you can learn about the Pope’s of the past and discover why it plays such an important role in religious history, but you can also see the Papal Conclave here.

Whenever a new Pope is needed, the College of Cardinals holds an election within the holy walls of the Sistine Chapel – an experience that is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

See What All the Fuss is About

More than 25,000 people visit the Sistine Chapel every single day. That’s a lot of feet wandering through the halls and a lot of eyeballs scouring the beautiful fresco ceilings. In fact, the Sistine Chapel is one of the most-visited sites in Europe, making a trip there a must-do if you find yourself exploring Rome at any point.

There’s a reason so many people visit the site every day. They go to witness the breath-taking artwork that adorns the walls, and to soak up the historic charm of the Vatican and its buildings.

Marvel at the Frescoes

We mentioned before that Michelangelo’s fresco is one of the biggest draws of the Sistine Chapel, but it’s not the only fresco that’s worth visiting for. In fact, the Chapel is home to a number of other frescoes that are equally as fascinating. Keep your eyes peeled for The Last Judgement, which can be found just above the alter inside the Chapel, and the North Wall, where you can see painted scenes from the life of Jesus Christ. Don’t miss the decorated South Wall, either, where you can marvel at frescoes that showcase the life of Moses.

If the Sistine Chapel isn’t on your list of things to do in Rome, you need to change that right away! This beautiful feat of architecture is both culturally significant and a hugely important part of religious history, which makes it well worth a visit.
