Why Should You Read the Bible?

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
The last post discussed some of the riches in the Bible and what it tells a person that can help them in their life.

This post expands on that from a different perspective.  The perspective is:

Why should you read the Bible?
People think of religion as a restrictive set of rules and if you are "good" you go to heaven.  
However, from a different perspective one can look at what being "good" means.  It is generally believed that a reasonable person would want to go to heaven and this is what to read that can help.
 So, Why Should You Read The Bible?
This is a list of some of the things the Bible tells you that makes it worth reading for you.

5.  To help guide you to live your life to the fullest.

You were created for more than what you perceive each day.  In the Gospel Of John Jesus says,
         I have come that may have life, and have it to the full.
                                                                                                                         - John 10:10-11

There is a difference between going through the motions of life and trying to get meaning from your life. In fact looking at the difference is a central part of these blog posts.

4.  To help you get through your daily life.

Jesus suffered a lot as a human and he knows it is difficult.   The Bible is filled with inspirational verses and it is said that any human situation is addressed in the Bible somewhere.  In the Gospel Of Matthew Jesus said,
For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.                                                                                                                            - Matthew 11:30
This suggests God is giving you a better way to life by following the Bible.  Since he created you, he would know the best.

3.  To give you an idea of the "New Jerusalem."

Since life can be difficult it can help a person to think there is something to look forward to.  In the Book Of Revelation John speaks of the age to come and the glory of the "New Jerusalem."

And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband. - (Revelation 21:2)

The age to come is described as not having things such as sickness or death.

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2.  It warns you there will be suffering in your life, but you are not expected to be perfect.

The Bible helps tell you what to expect from life on this earth.  Instead of depicting a fairy tale it depicts the reality.  The Bible tells you there will be suffering in this world, but he realizes humans are not perfect.   In fact he came to take the punishment for you. 
1.  It helps to instruct you how to obtain salvation and eternal life.
Instead of being a history or science book the Bible is primarily to get to spiritual truths.  God wants everyone to be saved and gives you guidelines to do it.  That part is up to you.
Jesus is focused on your eternal life, and your temporal life on earth is to prepare you for it.
The message of the Bible is not about how "good" you act externally, but rather about making Jesus the Lord of your life.
Have you read your Bible today?

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Author:  Albert Wagner