Many persistent rumors around the mobile phone circulate frequently on social networks. One of them claims that it is very dangerous to use it while it is charging. The battery is said to overheat and explode, causing possible serious injury or even a house fire. Myth or reality ? Lighting.
Is it a good idea to use the Smartphone while it is charging?
It is true that batteries in older cell phones were more susceptible to damage or overheating when the user held the device in hand while connected to power. However, with current lithium batteries, this practice is much less harmful. So rest assured, if you surf the Net while your device is charging, the risk of a plausible explosion is very low. However, it is not recommended to do so, at least not very often. Because this practice can degrade this component more quickly and your mobile will eventually lose autonomy. Indeed, your battery is then subjected to an additional effort while it is feeding, it is therefore likely to wear out before its time.
Another disadvantage: it goes without saying, if you handle your mobile when it is connected to the cable, it will necessarily take longer to charge. It doesn’t matter if your cell phone has a super fast charge, during this process you use the energy that accumulates in the battery or remove what comes in.
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Naturally, it should be noted that the loading speed will also depend a lot on the task you are performing. If you just send a simple message, it won’t consume a lot of resources. On the other hand, if you are playing a game, downloading files or watching videos on YouTube or TikTok, it will consume much more power and the battery will not charge as quickly as you would like.
Warning : it is always advisable to have an original charger, because some cheap cables can cause latent damage to your device. Likewise, it is very important to avoid leaving your mobile phone to charge in places where the temperature is high (under the sun or inside the car, for example). This can seriously damage your battery.
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What are these bad habits that affect the battery of your mobile?
We can’t say it enough, one of the worst habits that affects your device’s battery is using the wrong charger. If it is not perfectly matched to your Smartphone, it can shorten the life of any battery. Specialists strongly advise to use only original chargers, even if they are more expensive, to preserve your mobile phone and avoid the risk of medium/long term deterioration.
The other common mistake that seriously affects the battery of your mobile is charging it when it is already hot. If you connect it to the charger, right after using it and it is already at a high temperature, it can quickly overheat and the battery will be damaged. A word of advice: always remember to remove the case when charging the device.
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