Shampoo, if not properly cared for, will accumulate chemicals over time and can do serious damage to your hair. Hair is made up of more than eighty percent water, so it follows that it would also take a heavy amount of shampoo to harm it. Shampooing in the morning, before going to work, makes sense.
Choosing a shampoo with a lightweight conditioning ingredient is good advice. Think about what was in the shampoo the last time you used it. Look for products that contain natural ingredients like aloe vera or tea tree oil. Read more about Dax removing shmapoo in this post.
Aloe vera has been used for centuries to treat various conditions from burns to sunburns and even burns caused by colds or the flu. Tea tree oil has healing properties that make it great for treating cuts and burns. Both of these natural ingredients work by promoting blood flow to the scalp to make it healthier.
With shampoo, use only enough so as not to cause the conditioners to dry out your hair too much. A lot of people who have oily hair complain that they cannot take the product because it makes their hair too greasy. This happens when they have a product with a lot of heavy chemicals like the straightening cream.
Shampoo with a lightweight conditioning ingredient works much better on dry hair. Using a product with a conditioner on dry hair tends to leave a sticky feeling on the scalp which makes it worse than it already is. A product with a natural ingredient like aloe vera will have no effect on the actual hair if it stays on the scalp. Check out Fudge Style Head Shine Spray Review here.
Think about the kind of shampoo you are using and find a shampoo with a lightweight conditioning ingredient. This is a great idea especially if you have been using the same product for years. With new products and research into various types of shampoo, we know that the conditioners can sometimes make the hair dry or damaged and with aloe vera, your hair can breathe and remain moisturized.