Why Poker Survives For Another 1000 Years

Posted on the 09 July 2015 by Geekasms @geekasms

The game of poker is not a recent invention and it is here to stay, with fans of the genre entitled to expect decades and even centuries of quality entertainment. Unlike other games, poker hasn't changed much since its inception and it is unlikely that the core rules will be modified in the future.

There are a couple of reasons why poker could well survive for as many as 1000 years, a vision that seems to be shared by movie directors and screenwriters. The number of movies revolving around poker or having the game at their cornerstone is impressive, so it comes as no surprise that a couple of sci-fi films are on this list. Each of them focuses on a different type of poker, with Texas Hold'em, Omaha and Stud being played by the lead characters.

The Spirit of Competition Keeps Poker Alive

It is not necessarily the prospect of winning a lot of money that makes all the versions of poker so popular, but rather the adrenaline rush. Survival of the fittest is one of the natural laws, and even in seemingly perfect societies, competition does exist. It is the catalyst that promotes innovation and creativity and also motivates people to aspire for something higher, which is the cornerstone of progress. Poker offers several of these incentives and that's why the game has the potential of transcending time barriers.

Poker also has the advantage of providing participants with the perfect arena to showcase their abilities while gradually honing their skills. This is one of the recipes for success not only when it comes to gambling but also video games, with the most addictive ones being MMORPGs. This genre brilliantly combines the elements of strategy with direct interaction between participants, and they are every bit as much about skill as they are about equipment.

Players notice how their skills improve and at the same time they accumulate resources which allow them to become better at what they're doing. Since there is an indissoluble link between the amount of time spent playing the game and the rate at which equipment and skills are enhanced, participants are highly motivated to be active. When it comes to poker, progression is not following a linear trajectory for the simple reason that additional skills are needed, some of them being native ones.

This combination of innate abilities and skills acquired and honed in time makes poker superior to video games and should ensure its success in the long run. These days, poker players who hope to become professionals are routinely using tracking software and other specialized tools. These are supposed to give them an advantage over the pack and help them make giant leaps forward instead of small steps and the most important online rooms allow these applications.

The Importance of Stakes in Poker

One of the key ingredients of poker is the stakes at which players are competing, with the limits also determining the blinds at each table. In the absence of the stakes, the entire process would be pointless and players would be tempted to forsake any strategy. Those who compete at limits lower than the ones where they feel comfortable are likely to play too many hands, while those who make the transition to high stakes without being ready usually freeze in panic.

If poker is to survive hundreds and even thousands of years, it needs to maintain its betting structures and possibly make slight adjustments to keep the game competitive. Fans of the Star Trek franchise will recall many instances in which the crew of the starship Enterprise sat down at the tables to play stud and draw poker, including the final scene of the series where the captain joins the crew and utters his famous line, ""Five Card Stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit."

What makes the subject interesting is that they were playing on chips they didn't have any real money, since the Federation didn't do money.

This is quite a conundrum, because on one hand the participants were wagering chips that had theoretical value, but only at the tables. Scifi.stackexchange.com makes some astute observations about how these games were played, and the conclusion is that participants were involved mostly for bragging rights. To some extent even winning a game that has no stakes can be rewarding if all those who participate take it seriously and try to outshine their competitors.

Apparently, poker would've been far more exciting against aliens as the stakes used would've been latinum, so it goes without saying that players would do their very best to win. The issue of stakes is going to be a timeless matter for poker players and the moment the wagers turn meaningless, the game will be truly in danger.

The Unpredictable Nature of Poker

There are good reasons to assume that in the future people will be far smarter than they are today, more knowledgeable therefore better at poker. Those who fear about the game dying out as a result should find solace in the fact that Data from the same celebrated movie franchise is not always winning at the game. This can sound a bit surprising since he is mathematically perfect, but the reason for why he doesn't dominate the game is that he doesn't fully grasp the concept of bluffing.

On the other hand he has a keen eye for detail and nothing gets past him, so as long as Data placed against human opponents at live tables, he will have an edge. In conjunction with the unpredictable nature of poker, this should ensure the popularity of the game even in a world where people will be far better calculating possibilities. What we can expect is to turn the game into one that rewards tight players more while also making more advanced versions of poker tracking software essential.

The bottom line is that even though we can't know for sure what the future will bring, the game of poker is very likely to weather the storm. Just like everything else it will have to change and adjust to the new realities but its core concepts and basic mechanics should ensure its survival.