Why Perfect Form is Critical to Long Term Weight Loss Goals

By Roserighter @roserighter

Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. It's a process that takes a lot of time and dedication. All the dedication in the world won't help shed pounds lose weight if a gym injury occurs, however. A common reason for gym injuries is poor form. That's why using perfect form is critical when it comes to lifting heavy weights.
Why Perfect Form is Critical to Long Term Weight Loss Goals

Why Using the Perfect Form is so Important in Reaching Weight Loss Goals

People who have a lot of weight to lose are in it for the long haul and need to make lifestyle changes that will stick. Working out at the right intensity and using the perfect form can help reach weight loss goals. Using incorrect form, however, can cause setbacks in weight training and ultimately weight loss. Performing a deadlift exercise with improper form, for example, can lead to lower back pain. Arching or hunching, for example, is something to pay close attention to. Analyze your form and adjust accordingly for better results.
Avoid Injuries by Using the Perfect Form During Workouts
The gym can be a danger zone for anyone who isn't familiar with or properly trained on the equipment. It's important not only to know how each machine works and how each exercise needs to be executed, but also to know how much weight is safe to lift. Every person is different and needs to lift the appropriate amount of weight to get results without causing injuries.
Aside from tearing a bicep or seriously injuring your back, for example, minor setbacks from the gym can include overdoing it or using poor form. This can lead to undue soreness and minor aches and pains. Though some muscle stiffness is normal, overdoing it or using incorrect form can cause setbacks in your weight loss progress by limiting the next workout session.

Tips for Using the Perfect Form

Perfecting form during workouts prevents injuries and muscle soreness while allowing the body to lose weight. Knowing the correct way to perform each exercise is the first part, achieving and maintaining perform form is the other half of the equation.
  • Target the right muscles. Cable rows, for example, are a back exercise, but its required to use the arms, specifically the elbows, to pull back with to get the perfect form. Pulling with the whole body changes the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Practice perfect posture. Most exercises require standing tall with the knees slightly bent, the back arched and the shoulders back, with the exception of abdominal exercises. Maintaining the perfect posture during each exercise maximizes weight loss effortsand reduces risk for injury.
  • Use the correct amount of weight. People who can only do a few reps of each exercise aren't able to maximize their weight loss efforts. Choose a weight that is challenging enough that the muscles burn, but light enough that performing 10-15 repetitions is doable.
  • Use several body parts simultaneously. Some exercises require the combined effort from different body parts to achieve perfect form. Full body exercises, like the clean and jerk, use legs muscles, abs, shoulders and arms. If any given body part isn't putting forth enough effort, the entire exercise is thrown off and is not as effective.
  • Use controlled motions. Stay in control of the weight at all times. It is especially important to use a smooth, controlled movement on the negative part of each exercise. Quickly dropping the weights can sometimes cause injuries. Swinging and jerking motions are not proper form either and need to be avoided. A lighter weight is usually the answer in this case.
  • Warm up and cool down your muscles. Jumping right into the heart of an exercise routine or leaving the gym without stretching out first can lead to achy muscles or injuries. Its best do a light warm up before you start and do some stretching exercises after your workout. This will also increase your flexibility and help achieve the perfect form.
  • Avoid training until failure. It's difficult to have the perfect form on each exercise when the muscles are already spent. Don't over-train the muscles and push them to failure each time. Take a break between exercises as well to avoid muscle fatigue.
  • Practice mental focus. Focusing on the specific body part being exercised helps get the perfect form and properly work the muscle.
Consult a personal trainer to learn the correct form or critique the form until demonstrating perfect form is no loner an issue. Preventing injuring and doing each exercise the right way allows people to properly work each muscle and improves their weight loss success.