Why Not a Trump-Trump Ticket?

By Fsrcoin

The ass-kissing wannabees for Trump’s running mate —like Elise Stefanik, Tim Scott — even Marjorie Taylor Jewish Space Laser Greene — are making a ludicrous spectacle of themselves.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (a Melania look-alike trying to be the new Sarah Palin) seems out of the running, having bragged in a book about shooting an unruly puppy (rather than bother with training. And don’t mention the goat). Guess she figured on a macho vibe, playing to Republican proclivities for cruelty and guns. But she overshot the mark. Or maybe MAGA world hasn’t sunk that far . . . yet.

Anyhow, the VP pick must be a tough call for Trump, feeling betrayal when his previous one, Mike Pence, refused to join his coup to overthrow the government.

But here’s some free advice: why not a Trump-Trump ticket? With Donald Junior for VP.

After all, a chip off the old block; that apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Qualifications? Schmalifications. Donald Junior has what it takes to be Veep in a Trump administration. Spouting shameless lies smearing all opponents, with 150% loyalty to the creep-in-chief. He would not have gone wobbly like Pence on January 6.

Of course dynastic succession is de rigueur for authoritarian regimes. North Korea’s on its third generation of their beloved Kims.

It would be a perfectly balanced ticket, with a Trump at each end. The cultists can double down, wrapping themselves in Trump-Trump flags and signs and bumper stickers.


Drain the swamp!